
Why backups & replication are important and you should care

Conversations about backups don’t come up often. Planning for backups is normally discussed at the beginning of a project, and during disaster – not too much in between. [Tweet “There are two types of people, those who have lost their files, and those who will. #wetakebackups”] Something my Visual Basic teacher in college said, reminding me to save a project to floppy – as a backup. A few days after not taking his advice I lost my homework. Why Backups Matter Loss may come in many different forms, here’s some of the likely reasons you can & will lose data: Deleted files Corrupted files Corrupted Operating...
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Are you still using Windows 2003 server?

Windows Server 2003 – End of Support – Upgrade Protect your business and upgrade to Windows 2012 R2 very soon. By running out of date software, you take the unnecessary risk of causing potential loss to your business.  We strongly urge you to upgrade from Windows 2003 right away. Hostek has helped numerous companies upgrade to Windows 2012 R2.  Many of these companies are moving away from old hardware they have and taking this opportunity to move to the Cloud at the same time. With our great cloud platform, redundant storage, awesome control panel and backed by an amazing support team,...
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How to setup, secure and scale MongoDB on Windows Server

Downloading an installer, and running a through the setup are the most common steps for a basic installation. Even for database systems. But for learning something new, that might end up in production, it’s important to consider how to setup, secure and scale the platform – in this case MongoDB. Last week we published a guide on installing Node.js on Windows and using iisnode to facilitate connections through IIS. Making the same assumption, that as an organization you’re committed to Microsoft Server products this article is for you. For this example I’ll use our Windows VPS server platform. I suggest...
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Everything You Need To Run Node.js Applications on Windows IIS

If you have an application that’s written in Node.JS but most comfortable with Microsoft Windows you’re in luck. Node.js runs on Windows with minimal effort, you can run an installer, and launch from a console, it’s that easy. But if you want to run a Node.js app with other applications written in .NET or PHP through IIS you’ll need to do a few things. The process is very easy, there’s a small learning curve to getting things running just right. During this process I discovered the enjoyment of Node.js and a vibrant community that takes pride in developing really well polished applications. Getting...
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