
Fix ColdFusion Database Problems & Be A Hero [Part 2]

The least favorite thing to hear from a support person is that you need to tune your database or code. Let’s be honest, it’s a roadblock. For the busy developer, free time to tune things isn’t even on the radar. Maybe you’re a one person team, and don’t have support to shine a light on the problems you’re facing. Read on – there’s hope! What Causes ColdFusion Performance Problems? ColdFusion runs considerably well when everything is working and running well. It doesn’t do so well to isolate a single problem from the other apps that are just fine. Conversely even if the problems are the ONE application...
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Fix ColdFusion Problems & Be A Hero [Part 1 – Slow Pages]

In my job to support Adobe ColdFusion, I ran into lots of problems. That was awesome, because it meant the opportunity to learn real world solutions. Our whole team constantly learns by real world experience, it allows us to provide the best ColdFusion Hosting. In mid 2009 there was a bug that plagued many ColdFusion 9 websites. The infamous “Class Loader Bug” in Java 1.6.0_(pre 10). We tried everything to keep servers stable. This point in time severely strengthened what we had learned about ColdFusion Performance Tuning: Not to accept the default settings for ColdFusion (memory or other). By methodically tackling problems performance would...
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Brush Up On Your ColdFusion Programming Skills Fast!

We all have the habit of leaning heavily on Google. I’ve heard from friends how their IT team only uses Google to solve problems. I want to pretend that’s not me. Solving problems for others (where I started) is one way to start learning about code. As I expressed earlier in a post about Adobe ColdFusion, I’m no developer. When I was first learning  ColdFusion Programming, here’s a few things that helped me learn faster. Solving problems for people. As a ColdFusion Support specialists we encountered real world errors, problems and questions. The hands on experience was phenomenal. At Hostek when we find...
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Is Adobe ColdFusion Dead Or Getting Better?

You might hear ColdFusion is a dying language. I’ve believed it myself. Since being introduced to ColdFusion (CFML) around 2005 and respecting its power & simplicity, my curiosity had moved on. At first ColdFusion was something I needed to support for customers. Eventually however that evolved to developing internal tools for monitoring mysql performance, integration with marketing automation systems, recaptcha and more. It was fun and I learned a ton. That’s also when I learned that app development wasn’t for me. One of the greatest reasons ColdFusion loses traction remains: It’s so easy anyone can pick it right up, but to develop a...
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